Friday, February 10, 2012

Tax return = new toys

So, I'm considering one of the following with my tax return cash. Does anyone have personal experience with any of these and maybe be an enabler for me? Or, has anyone had a BAD experience with any of these that they can steer me away from?

  1. Sigma 12-24 - I want to get a 'real' ultra wide angle lens, and I really loved the Sigma 8-16 (I'm selling this - anyone interested?) on my crop sensored Canon 7D. I got the Sigma 15mm fish a few months ago, and I'm thinking that was a boo boo and I should've gotten a true wide angle first. Oh well, live and learn. The fish sort of ties into the next item...
  2. DXO Labs software - I've been using it on trial. It's OK, I like that it fixes distortion on all of my lenses (and does a great job at defishing) and cleans up some vignetting and noise specific to a lens, but at a whopping $300 price tag and it being an absolute pig of an app to the point where it slows down everything on my Macbook Pro, I'm really on the fence for this. Maybe I'll wait until later in the year, I know sometimes they have good rebates and specials on it.  
  3. Nik Color Efex 4 - I liked 3, and 4 has some really sweet filters and a cleaner interface than Topaz or PhotoTools. IMHO, it's still overpriced at $200, but this is the current leader. 
  4. 2x Telephoto extender - maybe for my 70-200 f/4 IS for wildlife shooting? I'm thinking I can just crop for now to get in close. 

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